8 Ways to Improve Workplace Safety
December 30, 2022

8 Ways to Improve Workplace Safety

Even if you have workers compensation insurance, it’s in your best interest to improve workplace safety. Why? Apart from compassion for the wellbeing of your employees, the lower your risk of filing a claim, the lower the premium. How do you start?Workers comp papers

1. Create rules: Develop a list of general safety rules such as no running or horseplay. Limit smokers to designated outdoor areas to curb fire hazards and to minimize non-smokers’ exposure to the fumes.

2. Clean up: Routine cleaning is necessary to maintain a healthy, pleasant workplace. If the workplace is prone to accumulating clutter, tidy up every few weeks to rid the building of debris.

3. Prevent trips and slips: The clutter mentioned above can easily cause trips and slips, as can messy wires and open drawers. Coil wires neatly against the wall, close drawers after use and keep things tidy in general to limit injury hazards.

4. Post warnings: Any leaks or spills should be blocked off with a warning sign to prevent slipping. Ensure that the mess is cleared as soon as possible.

5. Train employees: Employees who use non-standard equipment, machinery or materials should be thoroughly trained on their use, the use of protective clothing/gear and any necessary safety and first aid protocols.

6. Ban open flames: Candle warmers or electric candles can be used in place of lighting a candle. Stress the importance of turning off electrical devices before leaving the building.

7. Enhance fire safety: Post fire evacuation routes in common areas and plan biannual fire drills to ensure that employees know what to do in case of an emergency. You may also want to train them on how to use a fire extinguisher as well.

8. Climb with caution: Never stand on a chair or desk to reach higher. Always use a ladder that is properly locked.

A safer workplace may be cheaper to insure. Call Jack L Bonus Insurance Agency at (724) 452-8722 for more information on workers compensation.

Tags: Workers compensation insurance

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