When you are driving one of your company cars, you will probably carry a few important items inside. These might be belongings that are essential to you being able to do your job.
So, what would happen if your vehicle were to get stolen; You would likely lose a lot more than your car.
At the time of a commercial vehicle accident, your commercial auto insurance can prove a vital asset. However, it does not expressly apply to contents carried within the vehicle. As a result, your commercial auto policy will work in conjunction with your other business insurance options to ensure you receive the restitution you deserve.
Commercial Auto Insurance for Theft
Theft of one of your business-owned vehicles means a loss of property value, time and productivity. However, your commercial auto insurance will provide restitution to replace the vehicle, or to repair it if it is recovered by the police.
A component of your physical damage insurance known as comprehensive coverage will provide coverage for vehicle loss or damage that is not related to a wreck. Theft is therefore covered by this plan under most circumstances.
However, comprehensive coverage is not mandatory for most commercial drivers. You will have to ask your agent to add this benefit to your policy at the time you enroll. Additionally, one type of damage that your commercial auto policy will not cover is damage to the contents within your vehicle.
Insuring a Commercial Vehicle’s Contents
When you transport company materials within your vehicle, they represent value on the move. These items might include cash and receipts, electronics, equipment used at job sites, client belongings and more. Therefore, were these items to get stolen along with the car, then their value would be lost, too.
At this time, business insurance options that are separate from commercial auto insurance can cover the loss of this property.
Usually, you will find this coverage within a component of property insurance called inland marine insurance. This coverage is designed specifically to cover business belongings that are taken off the primary insured location and transported within a vehicle or other mode of transportation.
Therefore, were these items to be stolen along with the vehicle, your inland marine coverage will provide the requisite coverage to help you replace these items. There are numerous types of inland marine coverage, but your policy can be expanded to cover business-owned materials, customer possessions left in your care, and cargo within a shipment.
Your commercial insurance agent can help you determine the type and amount of commercial auto and inland marine insurance for your needs. Let them guide you through the selection and enrollment process.